
Privacy Policy for Ark of Compassion (“AoC”) Online Programs

  1. We respect the right of every person to share their story and have it be kept private. We treat all communication from, and information provided by, all persons as confidential.
  2. We respect the integrity and protect the welfare of all persons with whom we are working and have an obligation to safeguard information about them that has been obtained in the course of the instruction process.
  3. We do not disclose student confidences to anyone except as mandated by law, to prevent a clear and immediate danger to someone, in the course of a civil, criminal, or disciplinary action arising from the instruction where the teacher is a defendant, or by previously obtained written permission.

  4. All records kept on a student are stored or disposed of in a manner that assures security and confidentiality.

  5. We obtain student consent before photographing or audio and/or video recording or permitting third party observation of their sessions.

  6. When current or former students are referred to in a publication, while teaching, or in a public presentation, their identity is thoroughly disguised, unless consent to disclose their identity has been obtained.